Art Craft Studios

Our community enrichment outreach programs offer therapeutic arts & crafts workshops at schools, nursing homes, retirement centers, community centers and prisons. One of Art Craft Studios' goals is to provide those in our community who may have been emotionally or psychologically affected by the COVID-19 with a creative outlet. 

While everyone has been impacted in some way by the pandemic, those who live in care facilities and government run institutions were among the most directly impacted. ACS sees a need in our community for re-acclimation strategies within various groups who were considered either high-risk spreaders or contractors of the COVID-19 virus.  Art Therapy workshops conducted by certified art therapists in small groups on a weekly basis could lessen the mental and emotional burden silently affecting the psyche of our community as a whole. 

In 2018 the National Center for Biotechnology Information published a research article conducted by Rachel E. Weiskittle and Sandra E. Gramling which concluded Art Therapy can be an affective form of therapy for those experiencing grief and feelings of bereavement. This article, along with many others, point to the subtle efficacy of Art Therapy in people struggling with some symptoms of grief, depression, and PTSD.  To make donations to Art Craft Studios please visit our PayPal donation page for more ways to give.  Thank you for your support!

Art Craft Studios (ACS) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.



Thumb. A symbol of cooperation, participation, teamwork, essentialism, and harmony. From the proverb, “Yensiane kokuromotie ho mmo po,” to wit, “We don’t bypass the thumb to tie a knot.” Anybody who tries the exercise of tying a knot without his thumbs quickly appreciates this proverb.


The meaning of the symbol was taken from Cloth as Metaphor by G. F. Kojo Arthur